巴斯克维尔的猎犬 巴斯克维尔的猎犬(8)(在线收听


With long bounds the huge black creatwe was leaping down the track, following hard uponthe footsteps of our friend. So paralyzed were we by the apparition that we allowed him to passbefore we had recovered our nerve. Then Holmes and I both fired together, and the creature gave ahideous howl, which showed that one at least had hit him. He did not pause, however, but boundedonward. Far away on the path we saw Sir Henry looking back, his face white in the moonlight, hishands raised in horror, glaring helplessly at the frightful thing which was hunting him down.

那只巨大的黑家伙, 跨着大步, 顺着小路窜了下去, 紧紧地追赶着我们的朋友。 我们被这个幽灵惊得竟发呆到了这样的程度, 在我们的神志恢复之前, 它已从我们的面前跑过去了。

后来, 福尔摩斯和我两人一起开了枪, 那家伙难听地吼了 一声, 说明至少是有一枪已经打中了。 可是它并没有停住脚步, 还是继续向前窜去。 在小路上远远的地方, 我们看到亨利爵士正回头望着, 在月光照耀之下, 他面如白纸, 恐怖得扬起手来, 绝望地瞪眼望着那只对他穷追不舍的可怕的家伙。

But that cry of pain from the hound had blown all our fears to the winds. If he was vulnerablehe was mortal, and if we could wound him we could kill him. Never have I seen a man run asHolmes ran that night. I am reckoned fleet of foot, but he outpaced me as much as I outpaced thelittle professional. In front of us as we flew up the track we heard scream after scream from SirHenry and the deep roar of the hound. I was in time to see the beast spring upon its victim, hurlhim to the ground, and worry at his throat. But the next instant Holmes had emptied five barrels ofhis revolver into the creature's flank. With a last howl of agony and a vicious snap in the air, itrolled upon its back, four feet pawing furiously, and then fell limp upon its side. I stooped, panting,and pressed my pistol to the dreadful, shimmering head, but it was useless to press the trigger. Thegiant hound was dead.

那猎狗的痛苦的嗥叫已完全消除了 我们的恐惧。 只要它怕打, 它就不是什么鬼怪, 我们既能打伤它, 也就能杀死它。 我从没见过谁能象福尔摩斯在那天夜里跑得那样快。 我是一向被人称作飞毛腿的, 可是他竟象我赶过那矮个的公家侦探一样地把我给落在后面了。 在我们沿着小路飞奔前进的时候, 我们听到前面亨利爵士发出来的一声接连一声的喊叫和那猎狗发出的深沉的吼声。 当我赶到的时候, 正好看到那野兽窜起来, 把准男爵扑倒在地上要咬他的咽喉。 在这万分危急的当儿, 福尔摩斯一连气就把左轮手枪里的五颗子弹都打进了那家伙的侧腹。 那狗发出了最后一声痛苦的呼叫并向空中凶狠地咬了一口, 随后就四脚朝天地躺了下去, 疯狂地乱蹬了一阵, 便侧身瘫下去不动了。 我喘着气弯身下去, 把手枪顶着那可怕的淡淡发光的狗头, 可是再抠扳机也没有什么用了, 大猎狗已经死了。
