巴斯克维尔的猎犬 巴斯克维尔的猎犬(10)(在线收听


"You have saved my life."

“您总算是救了我的性命了 。”

"Having first endangered it. Are you strong enough to stand?"“可是却让您冒了这样一次大险。 您还能站起来吗? ”

"Give me another mouthful of that brandy and I shall be ready for anything. So! Now, if youwill help me up. What do you propose to do?"

“再给我喝一口白兰地, 我就什么都不怕了 。 啊, 请您扶我起来吧。 根据您的意见, 咱们该怎么办呢? ”

"To leave you here. You are not fit for further adventures to-night. If you will wait, one orother of us will go back with you to the Hall."“把您留在这里好了 。今晚您已经不适于再作进一步的冒险了。如果您愿意等一等的话,我们之中总有一个会陪着您回到庄园去的。”

He tried to stagger to his feet; but he was still ghastly pale and trembling in every limb. Wehelped him to a rock, where he sat shivering with his face buried in his hands.

他想挣扎着站起来, 可是他还苍白得厉害, 四肢也都在哆嗦。 我们扶着他走到一块石头旁边, 他坐下用颤抖着的双手蒙着脸。

"We must leave you now," said Holmes. "The rest of our work must be done, and everymoment is of importance. We have our case, and now we only want our man.

“我们现在非得离开您不可了 , ” 福尔摩斯说道,“剩下的事还非得去干不可, 每一分钟都很重要。 证据已经齐全了, 现在只需要抓那个人了。”

"It's a thousand to one against our finding him at the house," he continued as we retraced oursteps swiftly down the path. "Those shots must have told him that the game was up."“要想在房子里头找到他只有千分之一的可能,” 当我们又顺着小路迅速地走回去的时候, 他接着说道, “那些枪声已经告诉了他——鬼把戏完蛋了。”

"We were some distance off, and this fog may have deadened them."“那时, 咱们离他还有一段路, 这场雾可能会把枪声挡住呢。”

"He followed the hound to call him off -- of that you may be certain. No, no, he's gone by thistime! But we'll search the house and make sure."“他一定是追随着那只猎狗, 好指挥它——这点你们完全可以相信。 不, 不, 现在他已经走了! 可是咱们还是搜查一下房子, 肯定一下的好。”
