《佩小姐的奇幻城堡》精讲 02(在线收听

God bless him. What's his deal? Alzheimers? Dementia.

上帝保佑他 他啥情况?阿兹海默症? 痴呆

That guy gave me the heebiejeebies.Holler if you need me.

那个人让我起鸡皮疙瘩 需要的话就喊我

Grandpa! Shelly!

爷爷! 雪莉

What's going on?


Someone broke in!


I have a thirty-eight in my car, you wait there.


Grandpa! Nine-one-one, what is your emergency? Nine-one-one? Yeah I... I need the paramedics to Palm Circle. My grandpa... Grandpa?

爷爷! 这里是九一一,有什么紧急情况?九一一吗?我...我需要救护车到 Palm街二零四零号,我爷爷他...爷爷?

You have to get away from here.Please, listen. Go to the Island...

你得离开这 听我说,到那个岛上去

Find Emerson... The postcard... Go to the loop...September third, nineteen-forty-three.


It's okay, just... just don't move. There's an ambulance coming.

没事的,别动 救护车马上就到

I know you think I'm crazy.But the bird will explain everything. Will you do this Tegrisco? Promise me?

我知道你觉得我疯了 但是那只鸟会解释一切 你会去吗?像我保证?

I promise, yes.


I thought I could protect you. I should have told you years ago.

我以为我能保护你 几年前我就该告诉你
