《神奇动物在哪里》精讲 53(在线收听

I figured somebody oughta keep an eye on this thing. Thank you.

我看这东西还需要某人照看 谢谢你

We owe you an apology, Mr. Scamander. But the magical community is exposed!

我们深表歉意 斯卡曼德先生 但是魔法社区被曝光了

We cannot obliviate an entire city.


Actually, I think we can.

其实 我觉得可以

I was intending to wait until we got to Arizona, but it seems like now you are our only hope, Frank.

我还打算带你一起去亚利桑那州呢 但现在看来 你是我们唯一的希望了 弗兰克

I'll miss you too. You know what you've got to do.

我也会想你的 你知道该怎么办

They won't remember anything.


That venom has incredibly powerful obliviative properties.


We owe you a great debt, Mr. Scamander. Now, get that case out of New York.

我们欠你一个大人情 斯卡曼德先生 现在 赶紧把你的箱子弄出纽约

Yes, Madam President.

遵命 会长女士

Is that NoMaj still here? Obliviate him. There can be no exceptions.

那个麻鸡还在这吗 一忘皆空 不能有特例

I'm sorry, but even one witness.You know the law. I'll let you say goodbye.

对不起 就算只有一个人知道 你知道法律的 你们自己告别吧
