In Paris, an art collector paid $1.2 million for a receipt(在线收听

In Paris, an art collector paid $1.2 million for a receipt


The receipt dates back to an exhibition in the 1950s. French artist Yves Klein charged money to see his so-called invisible art. He later sold the art for gold and gave receipts.


Good morning. I'm Steve Inskeep. In Paris, an art collector paid $1.2 million for a receipt. It dates back to an exhibition in the 1950s. In those days, French artist Yves Klein charged money to see his so-called invisible art. He later sold that art for gold and gave receipts. Now somebody has paid the 1.2 million for the receipt someone received to not see art. It's not clear if the buyer of the receipt got a receipt. It's MORNING EDITION.
