2023年经济学人 法国电影《圣奥梅尔》:未被听见的声音(2)(在线收听


    In doing so, each film looks beyond the leafy cobbled boulevards of Paris.


    Each, in its own way, gives a voice to the unheard.


    When that voice happens to be elegant spoken French, it disconcerts the viewer and challenges attitudes—exactly as Ms Diop intends it to in “Saint Omer”.


    Laurence explains in the courtroom that, back in Dakar, her parents refused to allow her to speak Wolof, her maternal Senegalese tongue, at home;劳伦斯在法庭上解释说,在达喀尔,她的父母不允许她在家里说沃洛夫语(她的塞内加尔母语);having done as instructed, she was mocked by her peers for sounding like a Parisienne.


    The eloquence with which Laurence recounts killing her child, Ms Diop has said, constitutes a form of “resistance”, a way “not to be assigned to a place she doesn’t want to be”.


    “Why did you kill your daughter?” asks the judge in the film.


    “I don’t know,” Laurence replies politely, as if in a philosophy tutorial; “but I hope the trial will help me understand.”


    When collecting two prizes at the Venice Film Festival last year, Ms Diop nodded to Audre Lorde, a black American feminist: “Our silence will not protect us.”


    The film-maker has said she hopes her work, which includes several documentaries, will “offer to the world all these missing stories…all these black women who haven’t been heard, for whom we speak in their place.”


    The impulse to tell untold stories also drives a new Franco-Senegalese film, “Tirailleurs” (“Father and Soldier”), which was released in France on January 4th.


    Directed by Mathieu Vadepied, it was co-produced by Omar Sy, one of France’s best-loved actors, who leapt to international fame for his role in “Lupin”, a thriller series on Netflix.


    “Tirailleurs” is set in 1917, when Senegal was under French colonial rule, and tells the story of Bakary Diallo (Mr Sy), a cattle herder, whose teenaged son, Thierno (Alassane Diong), is forcibly enlisted into the French army.


    To try to save him, Bakary volunteers to join his son, leaving the arid scrub of Senegal for the mud and blood of the trenches.


    Shot mostly in Peul (Fulani), a west African language, and screened with French subtitles, “Tirailleurs” touches on exile, fatherhood and colonial brutality.


    Mr Sy has never spoken Peul on screen before, even though he grew up outside Paris with it as his mother tongue;希以前从未在屏幕上说过富拉语,尽管他在巴黎郊外长大时的母语就是富拉语;his father came from Senegal and his mother from Mauritania.


    The decision to use this language, with which many viewers will be unfamiliar, is as enriching as it is bold.


    During the first world war nearly 200,000 soldiers, known as the “Senegalese riflemen”, were enlisted from countries across west Africa to fight for France.


    If the film itself struggles, disappointingly, to engage the viewer, it has the merit of highlighting their sacrifice.


    In this sense it achieves for west Africans what Rachid Bouchareb’s “Indigènes” (“Days of Glory”), did in 2006 for the north African soldiers who fought for France in the second world war.


    When “Tirailleurs” came out, the French government agreed to change a rule that obliged surviving veterans to spend half the year in France in order to receive a state pension.


    The film not only made sure that African-French voices were heard, but also that they were taken seriously.

