华盛顿邮报 仍在进化的ChatGPT变得更强大了吗?(2)(在线收听


    How is GPT-4 different from what we might have experienced if we messed around with, say, ChatGPT a few days before this?


    Yeah, so the big thing -- So, you know, when you look at it, it really just looks like the same old chatbot as before.


    You can talk to it. It can respond in all of these elegant ways. You can tell it to, you know, write a poem about a lion in space and it will do that, you know, almost immediately. It'll read really well.


    OpenAI, the research lab that has made it, says it's more accurate in what it says, that it's better at sensing, you know, commands that will break the rules and saying no to those.


    And it's also better at knowing which requests are actually harmless and being able to respond to those.


    I mean, there are some controls that OpenAI has folded in like, "Don't you know -- Don't use this to do violent things or target people for harassment or do any kinds of like sketchy criminal stuff."OpenAI已经加入了一些控制装置,比如,“这你可知道——不能用它实施暴力,对别人进行骚扰,或者实施任何类似不好的犯罪行为。”

    And so GPT-4 is just better at responding to those kinds of things. It's also just more like cogent.


    It has been shown by OpenAI to pass all of these, you know, AP and bar exams.


    There was a meme of like a bunch of chicken nuggets arranged in the pattern of like what looks like the world from space. And it had this, like, really, like, highfalutin, fancy phrase on top.


    And somebody, you know, posted that meme and was like, "GPT-4, why is this funny?"有人上传了那个热图,问道:“GPT-4,为什么这很有趣?”

    And GPT-4 was able to, like, look at this image and assess that well, it's funny because it's like this silly image of chicken nuggets in the world attached to this very, like, emotional, poignant saying.


    So that's, like, really kind of cool because, you know, when you're working with images, it's a whole other form of understanding that the A.I. has to go through.


    It's not just, you know, a bunch of words, but it's, like, diagnosing what's in a single image and then being able to, like, talk about it in a elegant way.


    The image part is, I think, really the most interesting advance, and it's also so advanced that OpenAI has said, "We're a little afraid to share this publicly."我认为图像部分真的是最有趣的进步,这项技术如此先进,以至于OpenAI说,“我们有点害怕公开分享这项技术。”

    Like, "We don't really know how people will be using it. So it's only really allowed for specific researchers right now. And we may open it to the public when we feel more comfortable."“我们真的不知道人们会如何使用这项技术。所以,目前只允许特定的研究人员使用。当我们感到舒服的时候,可能会向公众开放。”
