华盛顿邮报 沉默对男性健康的伤害(2)(在线收听


    I really want to unpack some of the factors that could be driving this.


    I remember, for example, being in the thick of the pandemic and hearing that men were more likely to die of COVID. Is that playing a role in this, to some extent?


    COVID has changed life expectancy, in general, but it is true that men were more likely to die of COVID. Women are more likely to have long COVID.


    But the fact that men are more likely to die -- The statistic is actually 140 deaths by COVID per 100,000 men. For women, it's 87.7. So that's a big difference.


    But it's not completely surprising.


    The male species, whether it's a human or, you know, an animal, a mammal, is more likely to die of parasitic infection.


    So, you know, it may have to do with testosterone. Testosterone can suppress the immune system, and that might be why men are more vulnerable to infection.


    We know with women, they're more likely to get autoimmune disease where they have -- their immune system responds to powerfully.


    And that's why more, you know, various autoimmune conditions that can cause chronic illness.


    So we know there are differences in that hormones, biology, certainly plays a role.


    But that doesn't mean we have to accept that men will always die sooner.


    You know, we've made a lot of gains in how we treat women's health conditions, so I don't think just because there's a biological factor, doesn't mean we should say, "Oh. We're done," because there's definitely more you can do.


    I mean, that's a great point. It really seems like there are a lot of underlying biological reasons that could explain why men don't live as long as women.


    But there is more to it than that, right?


    Like I mentioned, I'm in my mid 30s, I haven't been to a doctor in a long time.


    And I promise you, I'm not the only person in my life or maybe even your life who that is true of.


    It feels like we're maybe more broadly more reluctant to seek help or to go to a doctor, you know.


    Is part of the longevity gap, as you call it, is part of that driven by cultural expectations of what a boy or a man should be doing or thinking about this stuff?

