华盛顿邮报 美国高校未来招生将不考虑种族因素?(3)(在线收听


    Let's start with the first point of view -- the folks who have a direct stake in college admissions.


    The most personal stake are the applicants themselves and the parents of those applicants.


    And it's extremely hard to deny the passion that they feel when they feel that they're being stereotyped, that they're being somehow pigeonholed by the college admission process, that they're being denied this golden opportunity at a wonderful college because of the color of their skin or their ethnic heritage.


    Those passions run high, and they are real.


    They are, at this moment in time, especially running high in the Asian-American community.


    And I think the -- the general perception has been floating out there for the past few years that many Asian American applicants are extremely qualified for highly competitive colleges and getting a raw deal.


    Now, that's a perception, but it's very important to add that the Asian-American community is not monolithic, that there are many, many, many groups within the Asian-American community and many opinions within the Asian-American community.


    And we should hesitate to typecast Asian-Americans and say that they're all cheering this ruling, because I'm not sure that that's the case.


    Now, as far as the second point of view goes, the person who's looking at this with worry.


    They're probably worried not just for how it's going to affect campuses, but also how it's going to affect other efforts to diversify America.


    Right. Right.


    Newsrooms, corporate boards, other institutions that, you know, have a stake in trying to represent America -- they're all going to be wondering,新闻编辑室、公司董事会、其他机构,都与代表美国休戚相关。他们都好奇,"Well, gee, if you're -- if you're somehow restricting the race and the decision making process here within these university admissions offices, are you also going to be restricting it in other powerful venues as well?"“嗯,瞧,如果你在这些大学招生办公室里以某种方式对种族和决策过程进行限制,你是否也会在其他有影响力的场所进行限制?”

    Again, I would note, too, again, a nuance here, but it's important that, you know, there's --there's a broad spectrum of opinion.


    This ignites passions from from all different directions.

