华盛顿邮报 被免职学者指控哈佛向科技公司低头(6)(在线收听


There's something about the design of these very platforms that are enabling them to go bigger with their hate speech, to amplify hate and harassment, to amplify lies, and, of course, culminating in an event like January 6th, 这些平台的设计有一些问题,这些平台能够放大仇恨言论,放大仇恨、骚扰,放大谎言,当然,这些问题在1月6日国会暴乱事件中达到了高潮。

which even inside those Facebook whistleblower files, there were -- there was research that Facebook had conducted internally that suggested that they knew that their algorithms were a pipeline to radicalization.


The people at the Kennedy School, where she had already, like, brought a lot of attention and fame to the school, more than it had before, sort of like, they were excited about it, too. And then there was this critical meeting.


What was that critical meeting? What happened?

那个关键的会议是什么? 发生了什么事?

Like many schools, the Harvard Kennedy School has this sort of advisory council, and this meeting of the Kennedy School advisory board -- It was called the Dean's Council.


And it's people who gave -- I forget what the minimum was. Maybe it's like $50,000 or something like that a year. 委员会成员会提供--我忘了最低限度是多少钱了,也许是每年5万美元左右的资金。

And in what turns out to have been maybe not a good idea, they invited Joan Donovan to be the star of one of these things because she'd just gotten the Facebook Files.


And so they're trying to wow the donors and have Joan talk about why they're important and what she's going to do with them. 他们试图让捐赠者感到惊讶,让琼谈谈为什么Facebook文件很重要,以及她打算用这些文件做什么。

She was beginning to talk about making them public, but one member of the dean's council was Elliot Schrage. 她开始说打算把这些文件公开,但学监委员会的一个成员是艾略特·施拉格。

Schrage was, you know, obviously a donor, but he was also the retired head of Facebook Communications, somebody whose job was getting out a positive view of Facebook around the world.


According to Joan and other people at the meeting, he was beside himself, and right after -- And he accused her of misinterpreting the documents. 据琼和其他参加会议的人说,他先是勃然大怒,后来又指责琼曲解了Facebook文件。

And just after that, a week later, Dean Doug Elmendorf of the Kennedy School wrote to Donovan and asked her, you know, to explain some of her methodology,会议结束后的一周, 肯尼迪学院的院长道格·埃尔门多夫写信给多诺万,让她解释一些研究方法, and what's more suspicious to Donovan in her filing is the timing of all of this, 对多诺万的文件研究来说,可疑之处是所有事情发生的时间,because at the same time this is happening, other bits of Harvard are pursuing what would wind up being a half-a-billion-dollar grant from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, run by Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, which is maybe the largest donation in Harvard's history.

