纽约时报 曾红极一时的詹姆斯·鲍德温(3)(在线收听


    What once felt poetically exaggerated, of course, can now feel prophetic.


    Baldwin was a disquieting tremor that would agitate generations — a role he seemed acutely aware of, even at the lowest ebbs of the public's attention.


    "I was right about what was happening in the country," he said in his final interview, with the poet Quincy Troupe in 1987.


    "What was about to happen to all of us really, one way or the other."无论以何种方式,我们所有人即将遭遇的事情都会发生。”

    He could be merciless both on and off the page, having decided, at some point, not to rely on the approval of any audience, white or Black.


    "Do you think there's still a chance for today's Black writer?"“你认为今天的黑人作家还有机会吗?”

    he is asked by a young boy, in the part of the "20/20" segment when he speaks with children at a police athletic league in Harlem.


    "There never was a chance for a Black writer," Baldwin replies, taking the boy's chin in his hand.


    "A writer, Black or white, doesn't have much of a chance. Nobody wants a writer until he's dead."一名作家,无论是黑人还是白人,都没有太多机会。没有人需要作家,除非他已不在人世。”

    Watching James Baldwin in a 10-minute TV segment from the 1970s isn't necessarily revelatory;看到詹姆斯·鲍德温在20世纪70年代一个10分钟长的电视片段中亮相,并不一定具有启示意义;he is much as we know him today, the same exacting genius.


    But it comes with the reminder that he was reaching for some truths that would outlast the country's interest, or lack thereof.


    The 7-year-old child Baldwin is addressing, you might notice, is only a year or two older than George Floyd would have been.


    For many in the America of 1979 — after Jim Crow, after the Voting Rights Act — Baldwin's insistence that "nothing has changed" might have felt tired.


    But as of last year, the nation seemed open, again, to the idea that history has not stopped compulsively repeating itself.


    Baldwin, for all the pessimism he could convey about America, ultimately recognized the nation as part of a seismic, global change.


    "When I was a kid," he said in a 1984 Paris Review interview,他在1984年接受《巴黎评论》的采访时表示,

    "the world was white, for all intents and purposes, and now it is struggling to remain white — a very different thing."“当我还是个孩子的时候,无论出于何种意图和目的,世界是白人的天下,但现在世界正在艰难维持这种白人天下的模式——这是完全不同的情况。”

    He had lived in Europe for years, but understood it to no longer be the frame of reference for civilization or literature.


    "It's a fascinating time to be living," he said. "There's a whole wide world which isn't now as it was when I was younger."他表示,“我们目前所生活的时代令人着迷。如今这个广阔的世界与我年轻时有着天壤之别。”
