纽约时报 气候变化影响着海岛的存亡(2)(在线收听


When you have millions of people who are forced to flee, they’re going to be spilling over into wealthier nations.


Those nations are going to have to respond.


Do they build walls or do they welcome?


I have real concerns, because we’ve seen that you’re more open to welcoming those who maybe look like you or who you understand, and you’re more likely to build walls for those who seem different.


That’s where, in terms of power differentials, what we do as the Marshall Islands is tell stories — show how human dignity is a common value that applies whether you are from the Marshall Islands or the United States or Europe or Sudan.


When you diminish the human dignity of another individual or community or country, that diminishes your human dignity.


So telling the stories, bearing witness, establishing the things that bind us together is critical to addressing climate change.


You’re talking about interconnectedness.

你说的是相互关联性 。

Along those lines, how might what’s happening in Ukraine affect the Marshall Islands?


You can’t help but feel connected when you see the terrifying images and hear how people are being killed or forced to flee their homes.


We were talking about power: the idea of sovereignty, territorial integrity, the right to choose your own future.


Those are core to the concerns that I have for the future of my own country with regard to climate change,我对自己国家未来在气候变化方面很担忧,这也是我最担忧的。

and seeing it play out in real time in Ukraine, where international norms and the rule of law have been broken — all small countries everywhere are left to worry.


We’re on a war footing with climate change in my country.


That question of “How do you feel when your country may be at war with climate change but wealthier countries, they’re going to be OK?”


The thing is, they’re not.


We will be hit first and hardest by climate change, but everyone’s going to be hit.


The latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change seemed to me to suggest that climate-change mitigation and adaptation need to be the global focus, more than trying to stay under 1.5 degrees of warming.


But what would adaptation look like for the Marshall Islands?


In the Marshalls, we’re two meters above sea level.


It’s a small, low-lying atoll nation.


I don’t know if you’ve ever been to an atoll. We’re essentially one long beach.

我不知道你是否去过环形珊瑚岛。 本质上是一个长滩。

It’s all coast. There’s no interior.


So adaptation for us is many things.


It needs to be about responding to sea-level rise, that’s first and foremost.


But it’s also about water resources, because our aquifers are going to be inundated. Freshwater lenses will be affected.

但这也与水资源有关,因为我们的地下水层将会被淹没。 淡水水晶体会受到影响。
