VOA常速英语2023 美国为乌克兰提供新军事设备(在线收听


  This is VOA News, I'm Joe Ramsey.


  The United States announced a new $300 million arms package for Ukraine on Wednesday, including air defense systems and tens of millions of rounds of ammunition, but warned Kyiv that US weaponry should not be used to attack within Russia.


  "We have communicated privately to the Ukrainians, as recently as last week or so, that we don't wanna see US-supplied equipment used to strike inside Russia, that we don't support attacks inside of Russia, and that we are not gonna change our policy about not enabling or encouraging those attacks," National Seurity Council spokesman John Kirby.

  “大概就在上周,我们私下与乌克兰人进行了沟通,我们不希望看到美国提供的设备被用来袭击俄罗斯,也不支持在俄罗斯境内发动袭击,我们的政策不会改变,以后也不允许且不鼓励这些袭击。” 国家安全委员会发言人约翰·柯比说。

  The US House of Representatives squared up to vote on Wednesday to suspend the US debt limit, a critical step to avoid a destabilizing default.


  Reuters correspondent Chris Dignam reports.


  Republicans control the House by a narrow majority, but the debt ceiling bill will need support from both parties to pass as members on either side of the aisle object to significant parts of the legislation.


  The legislation would suspend the US debt limit through January 1, 2025, allowing Biden and lawmakers to set aside the politically risky issue until after the 2024 election.


  The Treasury Department has warned that it will not be able to cover all the government's obligations by June 5 if Congress doesn't act.


  Reuters correspondent Chris Dignam.


  A spokesman for Sudan's military says it has suspended its participation in talks with a paramilitary force that has been battling for weeks.


  The development is a blow to the United States and Saudi Arabia, who have for weeks been mediating the conflict between the African nation's warring sides.

