Scene 39 星座(在线收听

Scene 39 星座

❶ 你是什么星座的?What's your sign?

同类表达 What's your star sign?

What's your horoscope?

❷ 我是狮子座的。My star sign is Leo.

对话 A: My horoscope says Leo is my perfect guy. 按照我的占星术所说,狮子座的男生跟我很配。

B: My star sign is Leo. 我是狮子座的。

❸ 他是个典型的金牛座。He's a typical Taurus.

对话 A: What's your boyfriend's character? 你男朋友性格怎么样?

B: He's a typical Taurus. 他是个典型的金牛座。

❹ 我猜你是双鱼座的,因为你很善解人意。I guess you are a Piscean, because you are very thoughtful.

同类表达 I wish I could find a Piscean as my boyfriend who is gentle and considerate. 我希望能找一个双鱼座的男友,温柔又体贴。

❺ 我觉得我的性格特征和星座不相符。I don't think my personality traits match my star sign.

同类表达 I think I'm more like a Capricornus. 我觉得我更像是摩羯座的。

❻ 我父母都是水瓶座,但是他们的性格差很多。My parents are both Aquarius, but their characters differ a lot.

❼ 你知道我是什么星座吗?Do you know what my sign is?

这样回答 I was born on 10th December, which makes me a Sagittarius. 我生于12月10日,是射手座的。

❽ 星座运势有时是很准的。The horoscope sometimes turns out to be accurate.

对话 A: What do you think about horoscope? 关于占星术你怎么看?

B: The horoscope sometimes turns out to be accurate. 星座运势有时是很准的。

❾ 用星座理论来判断人未免也太绝对化了吧。It's too narrow-minded to judge people by using astrology.

对话 A: I believe in horoscope. 我相信占星术。

B: But I think it's too narrow-minded to judge people by using astrology. 但是我觉得用星座理论来判断人未免也太绝对化了吧。

❿ 水瓶座具有令人吃惊的沟通能力。Aquarius has astonishing communication skills.

同类表达 Leo likes to control others. 狮子座喜欢控制别人。
