Scene 308 学霸(在线收听

Scene 308 学霸

❶ 我对物理很拿手。I am very good at physics.

同类表达 I am not good with numbers. 我算数不好。

My vocabulary is poor. 我的词汇量很匮乏。

❷ 他是我们班学数学最有天分的人。He is the most talented at learning math in our class.

对话 A: What about John? Is he good at math? 约翰怎么样?他数学学得好吗?

B: Well, he is the most talented at learning math in our class. 哦,他是我们班学数学最有天分的人。

❸ 我又是倒数第二名。I was the second from bottom again.

同类表达 John was the first from bottom. 约翰是倒数第一名。

❹ 我数学得了满分。I got a perfect score in math.

这样回答 We are so proud of you. 我们真为你感到骄傲。

❺ 他在班里名列前茅。He ranks in the top-level in his class.

同类表达 She is always at the top of the class. 她一直在班里名列前茅。

❻ 我化学得分很低。I got a bad score in chemistry.

对话 A: Why are you looking so depressed? 你为何看起来这么不开心?

B: I got a bad score in chemistry. 我化学得分很低。

❼ 你这学期的成绩进步了。Your grades went up this semester.

对话 A: Your grades went up this semester. 你这学期的成绩进步了。

B: Well, you are still ahead of me. 嗯,你的名次还是比我靠前。

❽ 我地理最棒。I am second to none in geography.

同类表达 His mark in English is second to none in the class. 他的英语成绩在班上是第一名。

❾ 你是如何练习你的英语的?How do you practice your English?

这样回答 I usually practice oral English with my classmates. 我经常和我的同学们练习英语口语。

You should do more writing and speaking. 你应该多写多说。

❿ 你应该在英语课上表现积极一点。You should behave actively in English classes.

同类表达 You should also take notes in your English classes. 你上英语课时还应该做笔记。
