Scene 309 运动会(在线收听

Scene 309 运动会

❶ 我决定参加长跑比赛。I decided to take part in the long-distance race.

这样回答 Good luck! I will cheer for you. 祝你好运!我会为你加油助威的。

❷ 你肯定跑得特别快。You must be a very fast runner.

同类表达 I'm fond of races. 我喜欢赛跑。

I was on the school track and field team last year. 我去年就参加学校的田径队了。

❸ 我们获得了三连胜。We achieved three straight victories.

同类表达 We got triple champion.

We got three successive wins.

❹ 你赛跑得了第几名?What was your place in the race?

对话 A: What was your place in the race? 你赛跑得了第几名?

B: I got the first place in the 110-meter hurdle. 110米跨栏我拿了第一名。

❺ 去年我打破了学校纪录。I broke the school record last year.

同类表达 What's your record of high jump? 你的跳高纪录是多少?

❻ 在接力比赛中他把最后一棒传给了我。He passed on the last stick to me in the relay race.

❼ 在男子跳远比赛中,三班开始时落后了。In the boys' long-jump competition, Class Three fell behind at first.

对话 A: In the boys' long-jump competition, Class Three fell behind at first. 在男子跳远比赛中,三班开始时落后了。

B: Yeah, I know, but they caught up later. 是的,我知道,但是他们后来追上来了。

❽ 她在最后一圈时开始冲刺了。She began to sprint on the last lap.

同类表达 Bruce crossed the line first. 布鲁斯第一个冲到终点。

❾ 让我们来为他加油!Let's cheer for him!

同类表达 We will all be rooting for you. 我们都会为你加油的。

❿ 观众席里有很多我们的拉拉队员。We've got lots of supporters in the stands.

对话 A: We've got lots of supporters in the stands. 观众席里有很多我们的拉拉队员。

B: Yeah, I can see them. They are in yellow. 嗯,我看到他们了。他们穿着黄色的衣服。
