Scene 317 师生交流(在线收听

Scene 317 师生交流

❶ 我跟不上班上的进度。I can't keep up with the class.

同类表达 I lag behind. 我落后了。

❷ 我不太适应这个班。I'm not fitting into the class.

同类表达 I cannot adapt to this class. 我适应不了这个班。

You will get to make some new friends. 你会交到一些新朋友。

❸ 迟到超过十分钟算旷课一次。Being more than ten minutes late counts as an absence.

同类表达 Is it an excused or unexcused absence? 这次是无故旷课还是有什么理由?

❹ 把问题留到下课后再提。Save your questions until the end of the class.

同类表达 Any questions? 有什么问题吗?

Does anyone have a question? 有人要问问题吗?

❺ 作为一名学生,你应该遵守学校纪律。As a school child, you should obey the rules.

同类表达 She does not follow the instructions. 她违反规定。

❻ 放学后来我办公室。Come to my office after school.

同类表达 Monitor, please get some chalk for me. 班长,请给我拿些粉笔来。

❼ 我不得不说你这学期进步很大。I have to say that you have made great progress this semester.

同类表达 You are at the top of our class. 你是我们班上的第一名。

You deserve this reward. 这是你应得的奖励。

❽ 老师,谢谢您的理解和信任。Thank you for your understanding and trust, teacher.

同类表达 You're a terrific teacher. 您是位了不起的老师。

❾ 周五请你的家长来学校一趟。Ask your parents to come to school this Friday.

同类表达 Can you tell your parents to come here for the parent-teacher conference? 能通知你的父母来参加家长会吗?

❿ 英语辩论课对我来说真的很吃力。The English debate class is really overwhelming for me.

对话 A: Why are you not active to speak in the class? 你上课的时候为什么不积极发言?

B: The English debate class is really overwhelming for me. 英语辩论课对我来说真的很吃力。
