Scene 322 升学(在线收听

Scene 322 升学

❶ 通过了高考就意味着能上大学了。Passing the entrance exam means being admitted into college.

同类表达 After three years' study, she is finally going in to the examination room to take the college entrance exam. 经过三年的学习,她终于要走进高考的考场了。

❷ 高考前约翰觉得非常紧张。John felt very nervous before taking the college entrance exam.

同类表达 One should learn to relax before taking the college entrance exam. 在高考前应该学会放松。

❸ 我参加了入学考试,但是没有被录取。I took the entrance exam but didn't get in.

同类表达 My score is under their requirement. 我的分数没有达到他们的要求。

❹ 简大学入学考试的结果如何?What about the result of Jane's college entrance exam?

这样回答 She didn't pass the exam. 她没有通过考试。

❺ 吉姆迫切地希望能通过入学考试。Jim is desperate to pass the entrance exam.

同类表达 The college rejected his application. 大学拒绝了他的申请。

❻ 入学率开始上升了。Enrollment rate starts to increase.

❼ 玛丽正在准备考研。Mary is preparing for the graduate school entrance exam.

同类表达 A lot of people study hard to pass the graduate school entrance exam in order to find a good job in the future. 很多人努力学习准备研究生考试为的是在将来找到一份好工作。

❽ 高考时,汤姆的英语考得很糟。Tom did terribly in English in his college entrance exam.

同类表达 Tom came in the first place in this year's college entrance exam. 汤姆是今年的高考状元。

❾ 通过高考意味着进入人生一个新的阶段。Passing the college entrance exam means entering a new stage of one's life.

同类表达 The college entrance exam can't foretell one's future achievements. 高考并不能代表一个人未来的成就。

❿ 你应该多花些时间为研究生入学考试做准备。You should spend more time preparing for the graduate entrance exam.
