Scene 355 帮做家务(在线收听

Scene 355 帮做家务

❶ 我愿意帮助你做家务活。I'd like to help you do the housework.

同类表达 I can also make some Chinese food. 我也会做一些中国菜。

❷ 让我来洗碗吧。Let me do the dishes.

同类表达 Where is the detergent? 洗洁精在哪儿?

Is it alright with you? 你觉得这样可以吗?

❸ 我来吸尘吧。I'll do the vacuuming.

同类表达 Where is the vacuum cleaner? 吸尘器在哪里?

I want to clean my room. 我想打扫我的房间。

❹ 有什么我可以帮忙的吗?Is there anything I can do?

同类表达 Let me do that for you. 我来帮你做吧。

Would you like any help? 你需要帮忙吗?

❺ 我来帮你擦桌子好吗?Shall I help you wipe the table?

对话 A: Shall I help you wipe the table? 我来帮你擦桌子好吗?

B: Thank you. That's very kind of you. 谢谢,你真是太好了。

❻ 洗好的衣服要挂在哪里?Where can I hang my laundry?

同类表达 Can you tell me how to use the washer and dryer? 可以教我怎么用洗衣机和烘干机吗?

❼ 要我帮你割草吗?Shall I help you mow the grass?

同类表达 What can I do for you? 我能为你做什么?

❽ 我来把盘子从橱柜里拿出来。I will take out the plates from the cupboard.

这样回答 You're so sweet. 你真是太体贴了。

❾ 纸和塑料要分类吗?Do you separate paper and plastics?

同类表达 Do you recycle bottles and cans? 瓶子和罐子要回收吗?

❿ 垃圾要拿到哪里去倒?Where does the trash go?

同类表达 Where is the garbage can? 垃圾桶在哪里?
