Scene 412 打错电话(在线收听

Scene 412 打错电话

❶ 对不起,我打错了。Sorry, I dialed the wrong number.

同类表达 I'm afraid I have the wrong number.

❷ 恐怕您打错了。I'm afraid you've got the wrong number.

同类表达 I think you misdialed.

I think you dialed this number by mistake.

对话 A: Hi, I'd like to order a pizza. 你好,我想订一份比萨。

B: Sorry, I'm afraid you've got the wrong number. 对不起,恐怕您打错了。

❸ 对不起,打扰你了。Sorry for disturbing.

同类表达 Sorry to bother you. 抱歉打扰你了。

❹ 号码已经改了。The number has changed.

对话 A: Is that Sam? 是山姆吗?

B: He has moved out. And the number has changed. 他已经搬走了,号码也已经改了。

❺ 请您再核对一下号码,好吗?Will you check the number again, please?

对话 A: Will you check the number again, please? 请您再核对一下号码,好吗?

B: OK, sorry to bother you. 好的,对不起,打扰您了。

❻ 她不在这里工作了。She doesn't work here anymore.

同类表达 She no longer works here.

She is no longer an employee here.

❼ 他已经有段时间不在这里住了。He hasn't lived here for a while.

对话 A: Hi, is that Tony? 你好,是托尼吗?

B: He hasn't lived here for a while. 他已经有段时间不在这里住了。

❽ 这儿没有这个人。Nobody here by that name.

同类表达 No one lives here by that name. 这儿没有这个人。

对话 A: May I speak to John? 我能找一下约翰吗?

B: Nobody here by that name. 这儿没有这个人。

❾ 你为什么不说话?Why don't you say anything?

同类表达 Why do you keep calling and not saying anything?

❿ 你确定你拨的号码没错吗?Are you sure you dialed the right number?

同类表达 Are you sure you didn't dial the wrong number?
