Scene 415 挂电话(在线收听

Scene 415 挂电话

❶ 多谢来电,再见!Thanks for calling. Bye!

同类表达 Thank you for calling me back. 谢谢你给我回电话。

对话 A: See you tomorrow. I hope you can show up on time. 明天见,希望你能准时出席。

B: OK. Thanks for calling. Bye! 好的,多谢来电。再见!

❷ 抱歉,我得挂电话了。Sorry, I have to get going.

同类表达 Sorry, I have to hang up. 抱歉,我得挂电话了。

I'd better get off the phone. 我得挂电话了。

Please hang up the phone. 请挂电话吧。

❸ 很高兴能与您通话。It's been a pleasure talking to you.

同类表达 I'm glad you called.

I'm really happy you called.

❹ 我得回去工作了。我等会再打给你。I have to get back to work. I'll call you later.

❺ 我有别的电话进来,我得挂了。I have another call coming through. I'd better run.

同类表达 I have another call so I have to go.

I'm afraid that's my other line.

❻ 对不起,占用了您这么多时间。I'm sorry to have taken up so much of your time.

同类表达 I'm sorry that I took up so much of your time.

❼ 你随时可以给我来电。Call me back anytime.

同类表达 Please call again anytime. 请随时来电。

对话 A: I'm sorry. I have to hang up now. Can I call you back later? 对不起,我得挂电话了。我能稍后再给您回吗?

B: Sure. Call me back anytime. 当然。你随时可以给我来电。

❽ 谢谢您的耐心聆听。Thank you for your patience.

同类表达 I'll think about it and call you back. 我会考虑一下,然后给你回电话的。

❾ 我不耽误你的时间了。I won't keep you any longer.

对话 A: Thank you for your listening. I won't keep you any longer. 谢谢你的聆听。我不耽误你的时间了。

B: Come to me next time when you feel like talking to someone. 下次你想找人聊天的时候尽管来找我。

❿ 请代我向大家问好。Please say hello to everyone.
