Scene 417 电话服务(在线收听


❶ 我需要ABC公司的电话号码。Hello, I need the number of ABC Company.

同类表达 Can you give me the number of ABC Company?

I'm looking for the number of an electric company. 我在查一家电力公司的电话号码。

❷ 纽约的区号是多少?What's New York's area code?

同类表达 What is the area code for New York?

❸ 我要打一个对方付费的电话到纽约。I need to make a collect call to New York.

❹ 你好,我想查一下我的话费余额。Hello, I want to check my telephone account balance.

同类表达 Hello, I want to check my telephone bill.

Hello, I want to see how much my phone bill is.

Hello, can I check the balance on my phone bill?

❺ 请稍等,我找一下这个号码。Hold for the number, please.

同类表达 Please hold while I find the number.

❻ 对不起,没有这个号码。Sorry, that number is unlisted.

对话 A: I'd like the number for a Susan Smith, please. 请查一下苏珊·史密斯的电话。

B: One moment. Sorry, that number is unlisted. 请稍等。对不起,没有这个号码。

❼ 能告诉我明天的天气预报吗?Can you tell me the weather forecast for tomorrow?

同类表达 I'd like the weather forecast for tomorrow.

这样回答 Alright, just a moment. 好的,稍等。

❽ 给我接警察局,要快!I need the police! Hurry!

同类表达 There was an accident and we need an ambulance. 发生了一起意外,我们需要一辆救护车。

❾ 您所拨打的电话已停机。The number you dialed is not in service.

同类表达 The number you dialed has been disconnected. 您所拨打的电话已断线。

Your call cannot be completed as dialed. Please check the number and try again. 您所拨打的号码是空号。请核对后再拨。

❿ 抱歉,我们不提供这项查询服务。Sorry, we don't provide such information service.
