Scene 418 准备(在线收听

Scene 418 准备

❶ 会议室准备好了吗?Is the room ready for the meeting?

同类表达 The meeting room is reserved. 会议室已经预订好了。

❷ 确定到那时候会议室是空出来的。Make sure the conference room is available at that time.

同类表达 I wonder if the meeting room is available this Friday. 我想知道这周五会议室是否空着。

❸ 我想这就把会议时间表定下来。I'd like to set the meeting schedule once and for all.

同类表达 I need an action plan for Wednesday's meeting. 我需要周三会议的执行方案。

❹ 会要开多长时间?How long will the meeting take?

同类表达 How long will the meeting last? 会议要持续多长时间?

❺ 所有的视听设备都准备好了吗?Are the audio-visual aids all ready?

同类表达 You'd better triple-check, just to make sure. 你最好再三检查,确认一下。

❻ 麦克风和扩音器都准备好了吗?How about the microphones and speakers?

同类表达 Is everything going well for tomorrow's meeting? 明天的会议一切都没有问题了吗?

❼ 将会有许多高管出席会议。There will be a lot of executives at the meeting.

同类表达 We'd better check it over again. 我们最好再仔细检查一遍。

❽ 让我看看你起草的明天会议的议程。Let me see your draft for tomorrow's  meeting.

同类表达 I'll set the meeting schedule as soon as possible. 我会尽快确定会议议程。

❾ 首先,我们必须要拟定会议的主题。First, we must study out the topic of the meeting.

同类表达 Our main topic today is to discuss the new proposal. 我们今天的主要议题是讨论这项新提案。

❿ 所有会议相关的必备文件都要准备好。All the necessary documents relevant to the meeting should be ready.

同类表达 Please print and distribute pamphlets before the meeting. 请在会议前把小册子印好并发出去。
