
It marks a first, a talk show queen, Oprah Winfrey, she’s plunging herself into politics in a way she hasn’t before, hitting the trail and campaigning for democratic presidential hopeful Senator Barack Obama. Oprah Winfrey brings not just a wow factor, but a WOW factor to anybody add on the trail and that’s what this means to Obama.
Winfrey already endorsed Obama last spring.
What he has shown was worth me going out on a limb for.
She held a fund raiser forum at her California home that raised millions for his campaign. But now her support for him has been ratcheted to a new level.
This creates excitement and event. Hopefully we can attract some people who might not otherwise be interested in politics.
The prime target---women
Hillary Clinton simply seems to be the women’s candidate, regardless of race. I think that’s what Obama maybe really trying to reach is women.
Enter Oprah Winfrey. She’ll campaign for two days in December in the early voting states of Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina. In Iowa, the Winfrey events are open to the public. But to secure ticket, people are being to asked either volunteer for hours to the Obama campaign or attend a caucus training. Winfrey is no doubt drawing attention to Obama. But some political observers are skeptical her support will translate into vote-centered state like Iowa.
Well, Oprah Winfrey has terrific ratings and very high favorables. I think Iowa is gonna depend on their own judgment rather than hers.
But sometimes the star surrogate can have swag, just like the Clinton camp. Its star surrogate Bill Clinton even when on the Oprah Winfrey show in recent months to tell his new book. Is Oprah a better surrogate?
Bill Clinton is a great surrogate for Hillary as well. If you want him to endorse me, I’ll take it. I don’t think he will.