
Unit 3 Food and drink
Food E
A:JOhn,help yourself to the noodles and meat sauce.
B:Do I put the noodles on the plate first?
A:Yes ,then put the meat sauce on the top.
B:What kind of meat is in the sauce?
A:It's ground beef.
B:Oh,I like beef very much ,it's so delicious!
A:Thanks ,I'm glad you like it.
B:I sure do.
Drink E
A:Don't want anything else?You've hardly eaten a thing.
B:No,thanks!I'm getting full.
A:Oh ,come on,have some more!
A:No,I really can't,I've always been a light eater.
B:Well,what about some coffee?
A:All right,I'd like a cup of coffee.
B:Sugar and cream.
A:Just cream, please.
B:There you are ,thanks!
