AP美联社一分钟新闻 2008-10-05(在线收听

1. President Bush is telling Americans that it may be a while before they feel any relief from the 700-billion-dollar bailout plan approved yesterday. He says it will take some time to implement it. Meanwhile, many Americans still say they oppose the package.

2. O.J.Simpson's attorney says he plans on appealing the guilty verdict the former football star received late yesterday. A Nevada jury found him guilty of 12 charges including kidnapping and Simpson could receive a life sentence.

3. An American member of al-Qaeda is calling on Pakistanis to put aside their differences and establish an Islamic state. In a video clip posted on the web, he pointed to the US economic crisis as proof that "the enemies of Islam" face defeat.

4. The NHL has kicked off its season with a game in Europe. The New York Rangers defeated the Tempa Bay Lightening in the game in the Czech Republic. This is the fifth time the league has started its season overseas.

