AP美联社一分钟新闻 2008-11-08(在线收听

1. President-elect Barack Obama holds his first news conference since claiming the top job, saying hard work is needed to fix the economic crisis. In particular, he wants his transition team to come up with ideas to help the hard-hit auto industry.

2. A jury in Atlanta convicts a 36-year-old man of murder in a 2005 shooting spree in a courthouse that left a judge and three others dead. Brian Nichols confessed to the killings but said he was legally insane.

3. In Haiti, at least 30 people are dead in the collapse of a school building. And the death toll could rise as rescuers search for victims among the rubble. Roughly 500 students from kindergarten on up went to the school.

4. A zoo in Australia has a new addition--this rare pygmy hippo, about the size of a puppy. Fewer than 3,000 of these hippos are left in the wild, inhabiting the lowland tropical forests of western Africa.


1. pygmy: adj.

used to describe a type of animal or plant that is much smaller than other similar types.

2. hippo: n. 河马

informal a hippopotamus.

