AP美联社一分钟新闻 2008-11-19(在线收听

1. Eric Holder could be the next attorney general. Aides of President-elect Barack Obama are polling senators, seeing if Holder could be confirmed. He was a number two official in the Justice Department under President Clinton.

2. Automakers are begging for Washington's help, trying to avoid collapse. But Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson is against dipping into a 700-billion-dollar rescue fund, saying it is not intended for companies outside the financial firms.

3. Pirates seize a supertanker loaded with 100 million dollars in crude, anchoring it within sight of some fishing villages in Somalia. Officials there are vowing to rescue the tanker by force if necessary.

4. A glittering star for the top of a giant Christmas tree at New York's Rockefeller Center. This crystal star weighs 550 pounds and is almost ten feet in diameter.


1. poll: v.

to ask a lot of people the same questions in order to find out what they think about a subject

2. dip into: phr v.

to use some of an amount of money that you have
