CNN 2008-09-12(在线收听

Hello, I am Naamua Delaney at the CNN Center in Atlanta, and here is a look at what's happening Now In The News.

Hurricane Ike is on course for the Texas Gulf Coast, and it is expected to move onshore late tomorrow or early Saturday. Higher sustained winds are 100 miles an hour, but forecasters say it could pick up strength in the next day or two. It is moving to the west, northwest at about 10 miles an hour. Evacuations are under way for hundreds of thousands of people along the Texas and Louisiana Gulf Coasts.

A jury found a teacher's husband guilty of killing her student lover, but they chose the lesser charge, Erik Mclean could have been found guilty of first-degree murder, but instead the jury chose a verdict of reckless homicide, Mclean was on trial for shooting his wife's 18-year-old lover, he claimed the shooting was an accident.

Senate Democrats are calling for a freeze in foreclosures on mortgages held by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The troubled lending giants were seized by the government Sunday. Now four Democratic Senators say the firm's new chiefs should institute a 90-day halt in foreclosures, instead the Senators are urging the lenders to help struggling borrowers stay in their homes.

New fees for checking bags are helping boost the financial outlook for Continental Airlines. In a filing today the airliner estimates a new 15 dollar baggage check fee for most customers will generate 100 million dollars in revenue and cost-savings, that news along with falling oil prices is driving a surge in Continental stock on Wall Street today.

Authorities at Los Angeles International Airport arrested singer Kanye West this morning for felony vandalism. They say he smashed a paparazzi camera worth 10, 000 dollars, this is a video taken by TMZ. Police are continuing to interview witnesses. Both West and his assistant were arrested. Unbelievable pictures!

Well, those are the headlines this hour. Do stay with CNN for more on these stories and the other news of the day.
