AP美联社一分钟新闻 2009-05-15(在线收听

1. The top Republican in the House is dismissing speaker Nancy Pelosi's account of what she was told about interrogation techniques used on suspected terrorists. Republican John Boehner says it's pretty clear Democrats were well aware of enhanced interrogation techniques and their use.

2. As he calls for legislation ending what he calls abusive practices by credit card companies, President Barack Obama is warning shoppers not to abuse their cards. Obama says changing the way credit card companies bill customers is critical to fixing the nation's ailing economy.

3. Two spacewalking astronauts have been able to install a new camera in the Hubble Space Telescope. At first, they had trouble removing the old camera because of a stubborn bolt. The repair job was part of the five spacewalks planned to revitalize Hubble.

4. Google says it's fixed the technical problems that have prevented an unknown number of people from using its search engine, email and other services. Google hasn't said what went wrong. People all over the world posted messages on Twitter, saying they had trouble with Google.

