
第四章 泌尿系统

Chapter 4 Urinary System

1, 25- hydroxycholecalciferol 羟胆钙化醇

abdominal part of the ureter 输尿管腹部

apex of bladder 膀胱尖

body of bladder 膀胱体

cystoptosis 膀胱脱垂

erythropoietin 红细胞生成素

external urethral orifice 尿道外口

fatty renal capsule 脂肪囊

female urethra 女性尿道

fibrous capsule 纤维囊

fundus of bladder 膀胱底

inferor stricture 下狭窄

internal orifice of urethra 尿道内口

internal urethral orifice 尿道内口

unterureteric fold 输尿管间襞

intramural part of the ureter 输尿管壁内部

kidney 肾

major renal calices 肾大盏

medial border 内侧缘

median umbilical ligament 脐正中韧带

middle stricture 中狭窄

minor renal calices 肾小盏

muscular tunica 肌织膜

meck of lbadder 膀胱颈

nephroptosis 肾下垂

papillary foramina 乳头孔

pelvic cavity 盆腔

pelvic part of the ureter 输尿管盆部

pretrnal fascia 肾前筋膜

prevesical space 膀胱前隙

pubicoprostatic ligament 耻骨前列腺韧带

renal artery 肾动脉

renal column 肾柱

renal corpuscles 肾小体

renal cortex 肾皮质

renal fascia 肾筋膜

renal hilum 肾门

renal medulla 肾髓质

renal papillae 肾乳头

renal pedicle 肾蒂

renal pelvis 肾盂

renal pyramid 肾锥体

renal region 肾区

renal segment 肾段

renal sinus 肾窦

renal tubulus 肾小管

rennin 肾素

retrorenal fascia 肾后筋膜

segmental artery 肾段动脉

skeins gland 尿道旁腺

superior stricture 上狭窄

suprarenal gland 肾上腺

trigone of bladder 膀胱三角

ureter 输尿管

ureteric orifice 输尿管口

urinary bladder 膀胱

urinary incontinence 尿失禁

urinary system 泌尿系统

venous plexus 静脉丛

vesical plica 膀胱襞

vesical uvula 膀胱垂

zone devoid of vessel 乏血管带
