


...Post-election Iran is still a turbulent place. The legal appeal by the opposition standard bearer Mir Hussein Mousavi has yet to run its course. And in the meantime, he's drawn hundreds of thousands of people out onto the streets for a massive demonstration. There were some incidents of violence. One person was killed in gunfire coming from a pro-government militia building in Tehran. Our correspondent John Lion was out on the streets during the protests.

"I was down at the rally and the atmosphere there was just quite unbelievable. People had suddenly thrown off the mantle of fear that has ruled this country for I don't know how long, and we are going out in complete defiance of pretty unveiled threats from the authorities, who are enjoying themselves, who are encouraging us to film them, and were speaking out openly against the system about, against the Supreme Leader, against everything this country stands for, really, so that was a moment of kind of, a moment of freedom really. As soon as we got into the traffic jam going into the rally, you could, we kind of felt safe, just safe in numbers. Suddenly, all around us were people in cars, were waving V signs and green, the color of the opposition, honking their horns and you could see that nobody could come and nobody can attack you, once you are into the crowd, you realize you are amongst a million people. And I think the security forces realized that, we saw a small group of riot police sort of miles away from the demonstration. They just, just standing by the side of the road. And even in the demonstration itself, I'm sure there were secret police officers in the crowd as they always are here, but they didn't dare come up to us and try and stop us filming as they usually do. And since then, of course, we've had what's the gunfire in the rally, the circumstances surrounding are a little bit murky, but somebody has been killed. So I wasn't there when that happen, but I can see obviously the fear will creep back in and the fear here is always in the background. What is the government going to do? How is it going to respond to these protests? "

John Lion in Tehran.

Well, in the main, the authorities appear to have let Monday's mass demonstration pass off without challenge. There have been incidents in which opposition activists have been confronted by the forces of the state. We have been speaking to a student in Tehran who asked not to be identified. He'd been involved in a sit-in at Tehran University and told us what happened when the police turned up.

They detained at least about 200 students because there were three buses out there, and all were filled after they arrived. And they injured me and some of my friends had witnessed some scenes that was like a bloodshed. They had some knives with them and swords. I've sustained some severe injuries, but I don't feel any pain anywhere, but my heart.

The experiences of one student at Tehran University.
