AP美联社一分钟新闻 2009-06-01(在线收听

1. A Wichita city official says a suspect is in custody in the shooting death of late-term abortion provider George Tiller. An attorney for Tiller says the doctor was shot Sunday as he served as an usher during morning services at the Reform Lutheran Church.

2. Bonnie Sweeten has been released on one million dollars bail. Her lawyer says she’s not a flight risk and wasn’t running from the law when she went to Florida. Authorities say Sweeten called 911 from Philadelphia Tuesday, claiming she and her daughter were carjacked and stuffed in the trunk of a Cadillac.

3. Palestinian security forces stormed this two-storey building in a northern West Bank town after a fierce gunbattle took place. Six people died, including two top Hamas militants and three Palestinian policemen.

4. And Britain's Prince Harry wrapped up his first official visit to the US by playing a game of polo for charity. The 24-year-old royal also took a moment to remind New Yorkers how much his mother loved their city.
