英语四级词汇真题强化训练 (第五十八期)(在线收听


1. Tomorrow the mayor is to _______ a group of Canadian businessmen on a tour of the city.

A) coordinate B) cooperate C) accompany D) associate

2. I'm _______ enough to know it is going to be a very difficult situation to compete against three strong teams.

A) realistic B) conscious C) register D) resolve

3. Can you give me even the _______ clue as to where her son might be?

A) simplest B) slightest C) least D) utmost

4. Norman Davis will be remembered by many with _______ not only as a great scholar but also as a most delightful and faithful friend.

A) kindness B) friendliness C) warmth D) affection

5. Salaries for _______ positions seem to be higher than for permanent ones.

A) legal B) optional C) voluntary D) temporary


1. C




A) coordinate 调整,调理;

B) cooperate 协作,合作;

C) accompany 陪伴,陪同;

D) associate 使联合。

2. B




此空应该填一个形容词,故选项 C) register (登记)和 D) resolve (解决)首先去掉;

A) realistic 现实主义的,与题意不符;

B) conscious 有意识的,清醒的;符合句意。

3. B




A) simplest 最简单的;

B) slightest 轻微的 , 微小的 , 少量的;如: a slight possibility of success 很小的成功可能性;

C) least 指在数量或程度方面最小的;

D) utmost 最大可能的。根据通常的用法和搭配,答案为 B 。


4. D




A) kindness 仁慈,好意;

B) friendliness 友谊,友善;

C) warmth 暖和,温暖;

D) affection 爱 ; [pl. ] 爱慕。

5. D




A) legal 法定的;

B) optional 可选择的;

C) voluntary 自愿的;

D) temporary 临时的;选项 D 与原题中的“ permanent (永久的)”对应,故选 D 。
