
  197. The sea sculptor海洋雕刻家 screw-secrete
  There was a sculptor who specialized in artwork of the sea. He would make seasonal visits to the sea to find sculptural inspiration for his sculpture. On one visit to the sea, he chose a secluded seaport, and headed directly for the seashore. After renting some scuba gear, he scrupulously scrutinized it. He found that one of the screws was loose, so he tightened it with a screwdriver. He found that a seam in his rubber diving suit was torn, so he seared it closed with a hot iron. He then rented a boat and hired a crew and sailed out to deep waters, where he asked the seamen to stop and let him dive. He then dove in. After clearing his way through the seaweed on the surface, he swam down a few meters to the seabed, where he spied a seamount covered with a great number of sea cucumbers. These little animals were secreting a certain secretion that the sculptor found very pleasing to the eye. So, using his underwater camera, he took pictures of them with scrupulous care. Knowing that sea cucumber was good eating, especially with a little seasoning, he considered taking up a few. However, being a man of scruples and knowing that it was illegal to fish without a license, he thought it best not to take anything. However, he had a secondary thought. He knew that he was in seclusion and that no one would see him take a few tiny sea cucumbers, so be shoved a few in his sack and headed for the surface. When he got home, he put the sea cucumber in his fish tank and began to sculpt.
  screw n.螺旋,螺钉
  screwdriver n.螺丝刀
  scruple n.踌躇,顾忌
  scrupulous adj. 一丝不苟的,严格认真的,谨慎的,小心的
  scrupulously adv. 小心翼翼地
  scrutinize v. 详细检查,细看
  scuba n.水中呼吸器
  sculpt vt.雕刻,造型
  sculptor n.雕刻家
  sculptural adj.雕刻的,雕刻般的
  sculpture n.雕塑,雕刻品
  sea cucumber 海参
  seabed n.海底,海床
  seam n.接缝,缝合线
  seamen n.海员
  seamount n.海底山
  seaport n.海港,港口
  sear v.烧灼,烧焦,烤焦
  seashore n.海岸,海滨
  seasonal adj.季节的,季节性的,周期性的,定期的
  seasoning n.调味品,调料
  seaweed n.海草,海藻
  seclude vt.使隔离,使孤立
  seclusion n.独处,隐居
  secondary adj.中级的,次要的,伴随的
  secrete vt.分泌
