
1. Senate leaders have started the task of combing two health care measures that have come out of committees. A second Republican is signaling she may be able to support the bill. Susan Collins of Maine is joining Olympia Snowe when endorsing the goals of the legislation.

2. A second suspect has been arrested in the assault of a New York City gay man. Police say 21-year-old Daniel Rodriguez was taken into custody in Norfolk, Virginia. The man suffered a fractured jaw and ribs, the collapse of both of his lungs and a lacerated spleen.

3. The first photo of Jaycee Dugard since she was reunited with her family shows a smiling woman with long, light brown hair. Now 29, Dugard tells People Magazine she is happy to be back. People published the photo and comments from Dugard in its Wednesday issue.

4. The rain is easing in southern California with no sign of the heavy mudslides that had been feared in areas left barren by summer wildfires. Still forecasters are warning residents to be prepared for additional rain that could bring floods.
