英语会话速成 Unit 03(在线收听

Dialog 1

Pardon me? Do you have the time?

It's 8:05.

Do you know when the bus for Dulles leaves?

It leaves at 8:20. I'm taking that bus also.

Good, I thought I was late. I'm meeting my wife at 9 o'clock.

I think you'll be just fine.

(Now listen and repeat)

Dialog 2

Execuse me, could you tell me where the popcorn stand is?

Yes, it's right around the corner by section 3.

Ok, do you know how much popcorn is?

For a large or small?


Large popcorn is three dollars and fifty cents.

(Now listen and repeat)


Nice weather we're having.

It's a beautiful day outside.

can you believe this weather?

Pardon me, do you have the time?

Excuse me, could you tell me where the station is?

Excuse me, where is the Coke machine?

Words and phrases

popcorn, stand, corner, section, weather, pardon, excuse, station, machine
