
Darryl: Have you ever been to Britain?

Darryl: 你去过英国吗?

Yen: Oh yes, I’ve been to Britain many times. I go there on business.

Yen: 我出差去过很多次。

Darryl: Really? How often do you go there?

Darryl: 真的么?那你多久去一次?

Yen: Usually, I go to London twice a year but sometimes I go three or four times a year.

Yen: 我通常一年去两次伦敦,但是有时候可能也会去三四次。

Darryl: Do you always go on business or do you sometimes go for a holiday?

Darryl: 你总是出差吗?还是有时候会度假?

Yen: I’m afraid I never go for a holiday. It’s always business.

Yen: 我从来没有去那儿度过假,总是出差。
