
Waitress: Can I take your order, sir?

Waitress: 小姐,您可以点菜了吗?

Customer: I’ll have the kung pao chicken, please.

Customer: 我想要宫爆鸡丁。

Waitress: Certainly sir, would you like some rice or noodles with that?

Waitress: 没问题, 那您要不要来点儿米饭或面条呢?

Customer: Just some fried rice please.

Customer: 我要炒米饭吧。

Waitress: Ok, would you like some soup as well?

Waitress: 好的,要不要再来点儿汤呢?

Customer: No, thanks.

Customer: 不用了,谢谢。

Waitress: Thank you very much. Your food will be ready soon.

Waitress: 好的,谢谢,您的菜很快就来。
