英语畅谈中国文化50主题 42(在线收听

  42 The crazy TV box
  F: Television appeared in China some 20 years ago. People have been seen cultivated by this magic box and in return this box has turned them into idiots.
  M: Americans were turned into idiots much earlier than you were. Television became popular in the US in the 1960’s. Over 80% of the household has TV-sets then. Rather than doing their own reading many people switched to TV for information. Consequently, people’s opinion was swayed by what they saw on TV. President Kennedy was the 1st president to benefit from TV campaigning, his Charisma help him to defeat Richard Nixon.
  F: Television was not turning people into idiots any more, it drives them crazy. By copying US and European TV shows, many Chinese TV stations have introduced their own versions of contest programs. Programs are focused on various skills of the participants or their desire to chase wealth or fame. Many young people are crazy about these programs. The most well-known is a sing contest called Super Girls. It was the Chinese version of the American idol with the winner becomes the instinct household names.
  M: It is not just viewers, editors and producers are also gone crazy. Take some TV anchors for example, in order to attract viewers; the broadcaster of weather channel in Russia stripped herself on screen. Although we haven’t seen any naked Chinese anchor women yet, it was equally crazy. Typically Chinese anchor women like to yell or imitate the Hong Kong and Taiwan accents. It’s if they have lost their senses or feeling of decency.
  F: And an extreme crazy example is a TV anchor was a soccer commentator, he is now remembered as his hysterical yelling during last year’s world cup match of Italy and Australia.
  M: As a result, many Italians have become his fans because of his compliments to the Italian team.
  F: The only person who seen remains sober on news anchor on CCTV they look so restrained and unemotional. There are no eye contacts between them and they always seem so eager to collect the manuscripts at end of each show. I don’t understand why they look so dull.
  M: They are certainly not crazy, they are boring.
  F: TV used to be call a low IQ box, It should be called a Pandora box, because there are lots of bad things pouring out of it these days.
