
1.President Barack Obama heads to Texas today to attend a memorial service at Fort Hood where a gunman's rampage left thirteen dead and twenty-nine wounded. The president plans to meet with the families of those killed. The army says at least 3,000 people are expected to attend the event.

2.Tropical storm Ida has made landfall at Dolphin Island in Southern Alabama. The storm is packing winds near forty-five miles per hour and moving about nine miles per hour. The storm is expected to dump several inches of rain along the Southeast.

3.The only person who can now save John Allen Muhammad's life is Virginia Governor Tim Kaine. Muhammad, one of the two DC area snipers is set to die by injection tonight. His attorneys have asked Kaine to intervene, saying their client is mentally ill.

4.The man accused of shooting a Kansas abortion provider last May has confessed to the killing to the Associated Press. In a telephone call from jail Monday, Scott Roeder says he chose the action because pre-born children's lives were in imminent danger. Roeder added he has no regrets.
