
1.President Barack Obama is in Tokyo, his first trip to Asia as President. Obama has met with the Japanese prime minister before leaving for an economic summit in Singapore. Obama is also scheduled to visit China and South Korea before returning to Washington.

2.Senior administration officials say White House Counsel Greg Craig will announce his resignation today. Craig's future has been in doubt after the goal to close Guantanamo Bay by January went off track under his leadership.  Veteran Washington lawyer Bob Bauer is expected to replace Craig.

3.Flood watches continue along the East Coast as the remnants of Tropical Storm Ida continue to batter the coastline. Emergency has been declared in Virginia and parts of Delaware and New Jersey. At least five deaths are blamed on the storm.

4.The Colorado couple accused of pulling a spectacular stunt by reporting their son was aboard a runaway balloon is said to plead guilty to charges today that could bring jail time and probation. Richard and Mayumi Heene could spend anywhere between 60 and 90 days in jail.
