单词超市第四十二期 to sit on one's hands(在线收听

今天学的词组是to sit on one's hands. Sit on one's hands,的意思是按兵不动, 袖手旁观 。在美国国会11月中期选举之前,共和党人指责来自西维吉尼亚的民主党议员阿伦莫拉翰营私舞弊。报道说,莫拉翰没有按兵不动,He has not sat on his hands。他反击说,对他的批评是颠倒是非。

说到拒不袖手旁观,美国首都华盛顿每年都要举行抗击艾滋病大游行,总有成千上万的人走上街头,They want to help raise money to fight AIDS, they can't sit on their hands。还有,美国前副总统戈尔前些日子亲自制作了一部呼吁保护环境的电影,An Inconvenient Truth。顾名思义,戈尔要讲真话,He can't sit on his hands, 对全球气候变暖袖手旁观。 今天学的词组是to sit on one's hands...
