万花筒 2008-10-01&10-02 世界最小侏儒遇到第一长腿(在线收听

A record-breaking pair met London’s Trafalgar Square, each a legend in their own right. At just under 2 feet 6 inches He Pingping, is the world’s smallest man. Pingping barely reaches the knees of Svetlana Pankratova . He shouldn’t feel too bad, though. Because she holds the world record for the longest legs in a woman, they measure almost four feet four inches.


“Well, actually it’s great for me to realize I’m the queen of the longest legs. I'm, you know, like the longest on the planet, it just feels good, ok, actually I'm proud of it.”


The two are brought together to celebrate the 2009 edition of the Guinness World Records Book. Pingping, a 20-year-old from Mongolia, has a condition called primordial dwarfism. He runs a restaurant back home.


He’s not afraid of anything.


The six-foot-four Pankratova hails from Russia, Guinness officials say they don’t want to make the book a freak show.    


We will be very careful and want to make sure that we are celebrating their differences. That's a positive thing, and not just to find a point to look and stare and laugh. And in our book, I hope the combination of interesting indivi(duals)  shows you that it's an educational thing.


The 2009 edition goes on sale Wednesday


Matt Friedman, the Associated Press.

