万花筒 2010-03-28&03-29 地球一小时,熄灯为环保(在线收听

It’s a global call to action directed at every person, government, business and community across the planet, the message: Lights off for one hour at 8:30 PM on Saturday, March 27th.

Four thousand cities and towns in 88 countries plunged themselves into darkness this time last year. Lights out in Paris, Beijing, Rome, Sydney, Kuwait City, London, New York and Egypt,a united planet for one hour across each time zone. Hundreds of millions of people going to black for one cause: Planet Earth.

It’s a global call to unity an action on mitigating climate change, stopping climate change and committing to carbon, carbon caps.

But what does it actually achieve? Well, it’s more about symbolism than conservation, highlighting the planet’s future.

Earth Hour is a way for the citizens of the world to send a clear message: They want action on climate change.

An initiative of the WWF has started in 2007 when more than two million Sydney residents turned off all non-essential lights. The world followed Australia's lead with this year's event reportedly on track to become the largest Earth Hour ever. So will you be turning off your light? Earth Hour urges you go to its website and click on the light bulb to show your support.

Rosemary Church, CNN, Atlanta.
