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好听的英文歌曲:Pocketful of Sunshine - 娜塔莎

时间:2015-12-24 07:21来源:互联网 提供网友:qing   字体: [ ]

1981年11月26日生于伦敦的娜塔莎,父母来自“魔戒”的故乡——新西兰,先天上来看,她天生就流着爱好自由的血液,后天上来说,她的父母对家里四个小孩的教育更是鼓励他们朝自己的爱好自由发展,先后交互作用,使得娜塔莎和她的兄弟姊妹——包括她的名歌手哥哥丹尼尔(Daniel Bedingfield)——从小就都快乐地徜徉在自己的创意天地里。

I got a pocket, got a pocket for the sunshine

I got a love and I know that it's all mine

Do what you want but you’re never going to break me

Sticks and stones are never gonna shake me

Take me away

A secret place

A sweet escape

Take me away

Take me away

To better days

Take me away

A hiding place

I got a pocket, got a pocket for the sunshine

I got a love and I know that it’s all mine

Do what you want but your never gonna break me

Sticks and stones are never gonna shake me

I got a pocket, got a pocket for the sunshine

I got a love and I know that it’s all mine

Wish that you could but you never gonna own me

Do anything that you can to control me

Take me away

A secret place

A sweet escape

Take me away

Take me away

To better days

Take me away

A hiding place

There’s this place that I go that nobody knows

Where the rivers flow and I call it home

And there’s no more lies

And the darkness is light and nobody cries

There’s only butterflies

Take me away

A secret place

A sweet escape

Take me away

Take me away

To better days

Take me away

A hiding place

Take me away

To better days

Take me away

A hiding place

The sun's on my side

Take me for a ride

I smile up to the sky

I know I’ll be alright

The sun's on my side

Take me for a ride

I smile up to the sky

I know I’ll be alright

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