[00:00.00]A:Excuse me,but could you tell me how I can get to the First National Bank? [00:02.60]劳驾,你能告诉我怎样去第一国家银行吗? [00:05.20]B:Go straight on this street,turn to the left at the second corner,and you'll find it....
[00:00.00]A.Selling an Express Ticket [00:01.29]出售快车票 [00:02.59]A:When is the next special express to Gaoxiong? [00:04.10]下一班去高雄的特快车什么时候发车? [00:05.62]B:There is special super_express at 9 o'clock. [00:07.43...
[00:00.00]1.May I ask you a little favor? [00:03.36]请你帮我个忙好吗? [00:06.71]2.Yes,please. [00:08.52]好的,请说。 [00:10.32]3.When can I catch the bus for Tianmu? [00:13.96]去天母的公共汽车我在哪里乘? [00:17.61]4.At...
[00:00.00]1.Where's the taxi stand? [00:03.07]出租车停靠站在哪里? [00:06.14]2.Get a taxi for me,will you? [00:09.12]帮我叫一辆出租车好吗? [00:12.09]3.Is this cab available? [00:14.75]这辆是空车吗? [00:17.40]4.Take me to...
[00:00.00]1.Would you tell me where is the booking office? [00:04.34]请你告诉我售票处在哪里好吗? [00:08.67]2.Please give me a one_way ticket to A. [00:12.84]请给我一张去A的单程票。 [00:17.01]3.What train do you take? [00:19....
[00:00.00]1.Will you go by ship or by air? [00:02.27]你乘船还是乘飞机去? [00:04.55]I will go by air(plane). [00:06.15]我乘飞机去。 [00:07.76]2.Is it your first trip by air? [00:11.13]这是你第一次乘飞机旅行吗? [00:14.50]...
[00:00.00]1.When will the ship leave for Honolulu? [00:04.17]这艘船什么时候出发去檀香山? [00:08.33]2.It will leave the port at six on July 8. [00:13.13]7月8日6点出港。 [00:17.92]3.Are there any unreserved first_class cabins? [00:...
[00:00.00]1.Where is the taxi stand? [00:03.32]出租车停靠站在那里? [00:06.64]2.Where can I get a taxi? [00:10.08]我到哪里可乘出租车? [00:13.53]3.Call a taxi,please. [00:16.89]请替我叫辆出租车。 [00:20.24]4.Do you know t...
一.本课要点及示例 在这一课里, 我们要学习动词的简单过去式, 看看在叙述过去发生的事情的时候动词有什么样的变化.现在我们先来听一段会话, 内容是说彼得和他的同学玛丽谈论他们去年的...