Horizon has travelled the globe to meet the people 地平线已经周游世界,结识那些人, who can show us all how to improve our chances of living longer, healthier lives. 他们给我们大家证明,人们能够有机会生活地更长寿,...
It's basically simple. Now, many operations can be difficult. 基本上是简单的。现在,许多手术可就难了。 Sometimes just finding the coronary artery can be difficult. 有时找冠状动脉就很难。 Come here. Dr Ellsworth Wareham...
24 GET A NEW HOBBY. Doing crosswords and playing brain games are fine, 培养新的爱好。根据发表在《心理科学》杂志上的一项研究, but learning a new skill is your best bet to keep your mind sharp as you age, 做填字游戏和玩...
22 AUTOMATE YOUR RETIREMENT SAVINGS. 让你的退休储蓄自动化。 You can't count on someone bailing you out if you fail to put away money now for the future life you want to live, 如果你现在没有为你想要的未来生活存钱,你就不...
20 DON'T SIT TOO LONG. The more time you spend sitting, 不要久坐。你坐下的时间越长, the more likely you are to develop diabetes or heart disease and die prematurelyand that's especially true if you don't exercise regularly, 你就越有可...
Curvy women are more likely to live longer than their slimmer counterparts, researchers have found. 调查者发现,有曲线的女人比更纤瘦的女人更长寿。 Institute of Preventative Medicine in Copenhagen researchers found those with wi...
You Embrace the Challenge People who consider themselves self-disciplined, organized achievers live longer and have up to an 89% lower risk of developing Alzheimers than the less conscientious.When youre good at focusing your attention, you use more...
Optimistic women live for longer Women who are optimistic have a lower risk of heart disease and death, an American study shows. The latest study by US investigators mirrors the findings of earlier work by a Dutch team showing optimism reduces heart...
You're gonna love this next story, for the good of mankind who would have thought that guys like Hugh Hefner(lao ban of playboy), and Michael Douglas are helping to preserve the human race. Its all because they are into girls who are much younger th...