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CCTV9英语新闻:Adding dance to China's school curriculum

时间:2016-03-20 14:23来源:互联网 提供网友:gmeng   字体: [ ]

As China's "Two Sessions" political season draws to a close, representatives are weighing a variety of cultural proposals. Some members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference - or CPPCC - are advocating the inclusion of dance education on the curriculum for schoolkids.

Art education is a hot topic at this year's 'Two Sessions', and dance is good for body and soul.

"Dancing is beautiful. I think the most important impact of introducing dance into the school curriculum is it can plant aesthetic seeds in the hearts of our children. It can expand their horizons and increase their imaginative capacities as they learn to express themselves through the artform of dancing," CPPCC member Feng Shuangbai said.

CPPCC member Feng Shuangbai

CPPCC member Feng Shuangbai

The China Dancers Association has played an important role in dance education among children over the past decade. Among the association's membership, dancer and CPPCC representative Shan Hong argues dance can help mold character.

"I truly hope that dance can enter the schoolyards, just like Peking Opera and Chinese calligraphy did, as soon as possible. It's great education. Our children can get to know the artform and feel the charm of dancing. I believe by learning this performing art, it can shape their personalities," Shan said.

The association also has a hand in China's first official dance "textbook", set for completion at the end of 2016, when it will be introduced to schools on a trial basis.

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