[00:00.00]Unit 5 Entertainment at Home Task 1 Captain Corelli's Mandolin
[00:03.47]第五单元 家庭娱乐 作业1 船长Corell i的 曼陀林
[00:06.95]Exercise 1,2 and 3 I've just read the most wonderful book-
[00:14.74]练习1, 2和3 我刚刚读了最奇妙的书-
[00:22.53]Captain Corelli's Mandolin.Oh,yes,the one set on that little Greek island?
[00:25.86]船长Corell i的曼陀林。 发生在小希腊岛上的 故事吗?
[00:29.19]That's right.The story of a community and its development through the Second World War
[00:32.02]没错。一个社会的故事, 起源于第二次世界大战
[00:34.85]and the Greek Civil War ... right up to the present,in fact.
[00:38.34]It's very moving,isn't it?Oh, yes. I thought it was so well written.
[00:40.95]非常感人,是吗?是的, 我认为写的非常好。
[00:43.56]Well, I liked the first part best, because the description of the
[00:45.77]我最喜欢第一部分, 因为岛屿和村庄的描述
[00:47.98]island and the village was so detailed1, you could really see it all in your mind.
[00:50.79]非常详细,你可以在 脑海中想像。
[00:53.60]But I found the end just went too quickly. Well, I agree about the ending.
[00:56.61]但是我发现结尾太快 了。我同意你的看法。
[00:59.61]It seems as though the writer was in a hurry to finish it and in as few pages as necessary
[01:02.85]看起来作者似乎结尾写 的很匆忙,并尽可能地 减少页数。
[01:06.09]No, I don't agree with that. I think the pace of the narration2 reflects the history
[01:09.47]不,我不同意。我认为 叙述的步调反映了希腊 的历史,
[01:12.86]of Greece, or rather that particular island in Greece, itself. You see, at the beginning,
[01:16.01]特别是希腊这个独特的 岛屿。你看到了,在 开始,
[01:19.16]you saw that life there had remained unchanged for centuries.
[01:19.33]那里的生活上百年都 没有改变。
[01:19.51]Everything was slow- moving. Life was predictable and secure.
[01:21.33]每件事情都是缓慢的。 生活可以预言,而且 安全。
[01:23.15]Then, everything was shaken by the Second World War, and all the tradition was broken.
[01:25.77]所有的事情都被第二次 世界大战所动摇,所有 的传统都被破坏。
[01:28.40]Then after the War, things were never the same.
[01:30.27]然后在战争之后,事情 都改变了。
[01:32.14]The island started to be invaded by tourists ,the locals had to make money out of
[01:34.57]岛屿上来了许多旅游者, 当地人不得不从旅游者 那里赚钱,
[01:37.00]tourism,as they'd lost their traditional means of living ...and when you think of it,
[01:39.40]因为他们失去了传统的 生活方式.. .当他们 思索的时候,
[01:41.79]changes have happened so fast in Greece in the last few decades.
[01:43.86]在最后的十年希腊的 变化已经发生的很快。
[01:45.93]I think the writer was deliberately3 using the narration to express that.
[01:48.56]我想作者是故意用叙述 来表达。
[01:51.19]Mm, well you could be right, actually. I never thought of it like that.
[01:53.54]或许你是对的。我从来 不认为是那样。
[01:55.90]Well, I still thought the ending was a bit weak.
[01:57.56]我仍然认为结尾有一点 弱。
[01:59.21]I mean I didn't think the way the story ended was quite believable.
[02:01.16]我的意思是我认为故事 的结尾不太可信。
[02:03.10]Yes, but I really enjoyed the book, didn't you?Oh yes,... overall, yes.
[02:05.67]但是我确实喜欢这本书, 你呢?哦,是的,很 全面。
[02:08.25]I thought it really brought home the horrors of the Civil War too.
[02:10.16]我想它记录了国民战争 中的惨事。
[02:12.06]Oh yes, that was very powerful.Well, one has to admit that it was a gripping story,
[02:15.18]是的,非常有力。不得不 承认这是一个吸引人的 故事,
[02:18.29]I never wanted to put it down.Yes, that's true.Oh, yes, absolutely.
[02:20.87]我从没想要放下过。 那是真的。哦,是的, 绝对地。
[02:23.44]Task 2 Playing Cards Exercise 2
[02:34.20]作业2 玩纸牌 练习2
[02:44.97]Hello, Li Ming, I hear you've decided4 to join our Bridge Club.
[02:46.14]你好,李明,我听说你 已经决定加入我们的 桥牌俱乐部。
[02:47.31]Yes, Kevin, but I have a slight problem. I know how to play Bridge,
[02:49.92]是的,凯文,但是我有 一个小问题。我知道如 何打桥牌,
[02:52.53]as I've played in China for many years, but I don't know any of the terms ...
[02:54.78]因为我在中国打了很多 年,但是我不知道任何 术语...
[02:57.02]you know, I mean the card playing terms ... in English.Oh, I see. Of course,
[02:59.63]你知道,我是指在英国 玩纸牌的规则。哦,我 知道了,当然,
[03:02.24]you would never have had to use the English terms,I suppose. Well, no.
[03:04.31]我想你从来没有用过 英国的术语。是的,没 有。
[03:06.38]So, I wonder if you could run through them with me.Of course.
[03:08.44]我想你可以和我一起 来掌握。当然。
[03:10.49]Well, first of all let's find a pack of cards.A pack?
[03:12.68]首先我们找一副纸牌。 一副?
[03:14.88]Is that what you call the whole collection of cards?That's right.
[03:16.62]这是你对全套牌的称呼 吗?没错。
[03:18.37]Well, I brought a pack with me actually. Here you are.Oh, that's great.
[03:20.73]实际上我带来了一副牌。 给你,太好了。
[03:23.09]Now,first of all there are four suits. The two red ones are diamonds and hearts.
[03:26.47]首先这里有四种图案, 两种红色的分别是方片 和桃心。
[03:29.85]The diamonds symbol is the red shape with four straight sides. Okay.
[03:32.52]方片的符号是四条红色 的直线组成的形状。好 的。
[03:35.18]And hearts should be clear. It looks like a red heart.Okay, I've got that.
[03:37.88]桃心应该更清楚一些。 看起来象一颗红色的 心。好的,我知道了。
[03:40.58]Now the black ones are spades and clubs.Oh, spade? Like the thing you dig a hole with?
[03:44.36]黑色的是铁锹和梅花。 铁锹?就象你挖洞用的 东西吗?
[03:48.14]Yes, that's it. It looks like a black heart with a handle.
[03:50.01]是的,就是那个。它 看起来象一个带把手的 黑色桃心。
[03:51.88]And the clubs symbol has what looks like three round leaves.
[03:54.11]梅花的形状看起来象 三个圆形的花瓣。
[03:56.35]Okay, so that's diamonds, hearts, spades and clubs.
[03:59.10]好的,那是方片,桃心, 铁锹和梅花。
[04:01.85]Now, before you play you have to mix up all the cards in a random5 order
[04:04.61]现在,在你玩牌以前, 必须将所有的牌随意地 打乱顺序
[04:07.36]so that no one knows which card is where, right?Yes, what do you call that?
[04:10.17]以便于没有人知道哪张 牌在哪里,对吗?是的, 你把那个叫做什么?
[04:12.98]The verb is to shuffle6 . Oh, I see you're quite an expert shuffler7!
[04:15.75]这叫洗牌。我知道你是 一个相当专业的洗牌者
[04:18.52]Well, I've had plenty of practice. And now I want to give out the cards to each player,
[04:21.60]我已经有了大量的练习。 现在我想要把牌给大家 了,
[04:24.68]what is that called? That's dealing8. The verb is to deal,
[04:28.82]and the person who does it is the dealer9.
[04:30.04]做这个事情的人叫做 发牌人。
[04:31.26]When you have dealt the cards to each player, we start the bidding.
[04:33.26]当你发完牌之后,我们 开始打牌。
[04:35.26]So, the verb is to bid? That means you say what you think you will win?That's right.
[04:38.77]是命令吗?意思是你 说你认为你将会赢什么?
[04:42.28]When one person has won the bid. We know which suit is trumps11. Trumps?
[04:44.64]当一个人出牌最大时, 我们知道什么时候出 王牌。王牌?
[04:46.99]Yes, that means if you have to put down a diamond, but you don't have any,
[04:49.78]意思是如果你必须出 方片,但是你没有,
[04:52.57]and spades is trumps, you can put down a trump10 ... that is a spade ...
[04:54.00]铁锹就是王牌,你可以 出王牌,那就是铁锹
[04:55.42]and win the trick. That means spades have a higher value than the others
[04:57.94]并且取胜。意思是铁锹 比其他的更有价值
[05:00.46]because they're trumps .Okay. You said 'win the trick' ...
[05:02.42]因为他们是王牌。好的, 你说取胜...
[05:04.38]does that mean win that round of cards? Yes, a trick is finished
[05:07.44]是说赢了这一轮吗? 是的,一轮牌结束
[05:10.50]when everyone has put down one card. Then we start a new trick.
[05:10.54]当所有人已经出牌的 时候。然后我们开始 新的一轮。
[05:10.57]Right, now you play by the rules, right? Yes, the rules of the game must be obeyed.
[05:13.96]现在你可以按规则打牌 了,对吗?是的,必须 遵守游戏的规则。
[05:17.34]But there is another set of rules that are not fixed12, but are agreed by the players,
[05:19.92]但是这里有另一项不 固定的规则,但是要 经玩家同意,
[05:22.49]and they're called conventions. Oh, yes, they're very complicated in Bridge,
[05:25.48]他们成为习俗。哦, 是的,这在桥牌中非常 复杂,
[05:28.46]you'll have to tell me which ones you use.
[05:29.47]你必须告诉我你用哪 一种。
[05:30.48]Well, I'll explain that when we start playing.
[05:32.14]当我们开始打牌的时候, 我会解释。
[05:33.79]So, I'm looking forward to having you as my partner.
[05:35.47]我期待着你做我的 伙伴。
[05:37.14]I think together we can knock all the others dead!Yes, I hope so.
[05:39.39]我想我们合作一定能 打败所有的人 我也 希望这样。
[05:41.64]So, shall we play this evening?Yes, I'll see you at eight o'clock.
[05:44.23]我们今晚打牌吗?是的, 我八点来找你。
[05:46.82]I hope you can then teach me how to play mah-jong
[05:48.32]我希望你能教我如何 打麻将
[05:49.81]and explain all the Chinese terms to me. Oh, okay, I'll try.
[05:52.37]并解释所有的中国 术语给我听。好的,我 会的。

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adj.详细的,详尽的,极注意细节的,完全的 | |
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n.讲述,叙述;故事;记叙体 | |
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adv.审慎地;蓄意地;故意地 | |
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adj.决定了的,坚决的;明显的,明确的 | |
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adj.随机的;任意的;n.偶然的(或随便的)行动 | |
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n.拖著脚走,洗纸牌;v.拖曳,慢吞吞地走 | |
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n.曳步而行者; 洗牌者; 轮到洗牌的人; 做事漫不经心者 | |
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n.经商方法,待人态度 | |
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n.商人,贩子 | |
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n.王牌,法宝;v.打出王牌,吹喇叭 | |
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abbr.trumpets 喇叭;小号;喇叭形状的东西;喇叭筒v.(牌戏)出王牌赢(一牌或一墩)( trump的过去式 );吹号公告,吹号庆祝;吹喇叭;捏造 | |
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adj.固定的,不变的,准备好的;(计算机)固定的 | |
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